Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events

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PARAPSYCHOLOGY , Psychology, Questions FROM OUR READERS & my ANSWERS, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, sleep,Stage Fright Stereotypes Stress Success Stories Synesthesia, Spirits, supernatural, SUPPORT GROUP, True Ghost Stories

Russian Sleep experiments

creating a monsters in nazis and russian prisons ,The story recounts an experiment set in a late–1940s Soviet test facility. In a military-sanctioned scientific experiment, five political prisoners were kept in a sealed gas chamber, with an airborne stimulant continually administered in order to keep the subjects awake for 30 consecutive days. The prisoners were falsely promised that they would be set free from the prison if they completed the experiment.

The subjects behaved as usual during the initial days, talking to each other and whispering to the researchers through the one-way glass, though it was noted that their discussions gradually became darker in subject matter. After nine days, one subject began screaming uncontrollably for hours while the others had no reaction to his outburst.

ARABIC AND ISLAMIC SCIENCE, Bible Study, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, Faith, Grief Guilt Happiness How To Huntington's Disease Impulse Control Disorder Intimacy Loneliness, Middle Eastern spirits and legend, Psychology, Questions FROM OUR READERS & my ANSWERS, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, Spirits, Spirituality

The 40-day memorial period for the dead person

The 40-day memorial period for the dead person has a major significance in traditions of Eastern Orthodox, Middle Eastern culture and other cultures.​It is believed that the soul of the departed remain wandering on Earth during the 40-day period, coming back home, visiting places the departed has lived in as well as their fresh grave. ​In Russian and Greek​tradition, bread and a glass of water is put in the ​icon corner in the house of the departed. The bread and water are intended for the departed and other deceased ancestors who will visit to remember him. 

The glass is refilled with fresh water daily while water from the previous day is poured out. It is common to make up the bed for the departed during the 40-day period, donating the bedding to the poor on the 40th Day.

 A towel for the departed is hung next to the window and brought to the church on the 40th Day. The house doors are adorned with spruce branches for the departed to easily find his house and for the passersby to give their respects. On the 40th Day the branches are brought to the cemetery or burned. ​In the Middle East they use palm tree staff, they put fresh staff on the grave.​

All remaining ritual items in memory of the departed are removed from the house, his cloth is donated to the poor.​ All ceremonial restrictions are also lifted on the 40th Day, it is no longer prohibited to lay on the departed bed, to leave the house empty and locked, to turn off the light in the departed room, to touch the departed cloth, etc.

It is also no longer prohibited to decorate the departed grave.​As some do believe that some souls will come back to the place, wander around, and check on their beds, chair and favorite spots and pets.

The family gathers on the 40th Day inviting those who wish to remember the departed visiting the grave and the church and having a memorial meal at the house. The church serves the 40th Day panihida  with prayers comforting the living and reminding the living of the brevity of life. The meal at the house includes traditional dishes of remembrance:kutia, kissels, honey drinks. In some traditions all night vigils with intense prayers are held on the night before the 40th Day.

The Motive of the 40th Day is “we said goodbye to you, no longer come to us, we will come to you.” After the 40th Day the living can no longer grieve about the departed, they must move on with their lives. All funeral wreaths are removed from the grave and burned.

​In Muslim tradition reading of the holy Quran, prayers will start day before until dawn in memory of the person, and they donate money and food to the poor almost daily to the end of the 40 days .They call it Sadaqa .

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Please push like , this is my life story on you tube, in arabic language , push like and share it. I appreciated allot. Go to the you tube link so you can share and push like

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A to Z of the paranormal feelings ,seeing and hearings ,facts and fiction part 1 By Steve Ramsey September 8, 2010

Africa ghost stories, ASIAN GHOST STORIES, CASE FILE, CHINA GHOST STORY, Cleansing ghost report , our home visits stories, Cryptozoology- Monesters Beast,, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, DISEASE AND SYNDROMES, EARTH AND GEOLOGY, EUROPE GHOST STORIES, Greek Ghost stories & mythology, Halloween, Haunted caves, haunted hospital, Haunted objects, Haunted Place, HINTS AND TIPS, HORROR, Horror Movies- scary videos and paranormal fils, JAPAN GHOST STORIES, Paranormal, paranormal 911, PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY, Psychology, Questions FROM OUR READERS & my ANSWERS, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, Science and Culture, SEA AND OCEAN, Spirits, Spirituality, supernatural, SUPPORT GROUP, Technology, True Ghost Stories, U.F.O and unexplained mysteries, UK GHOST STORIES, Universe, USA GHOST STORIES


Some reasons why some people see ghosts.  So many people on paranormal caught on camera claims that they say and

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Ghosts, spirits, demons and Jinn

The term “ghost” is typically used for all paranormal instances by many people. However, it is important to understand the

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Paranormal- The SISYPHUS PRIZE

The ( ASKE  )-PARANORMAL CHALLENGE ASKE offers an award of £10,000 to anyone who can successfully demonstrate under controlled conditions,

Africa ghost stories, ARABIC AND ISLAMIC SCIENCE, ASIAN GHOST STORIES, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY, Bible Study, CANADA GHOST STORIES, CASE FILE, CHINA GHOST STORY, Cleansing ghost report , our home visits stories, Cryptozoology- Monesters Beast,, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, DISEASE AND SYNDROMES, Emergency and disaster, Environment, EUROPE GHOST STORIES, Faith, FICTION, Folklore, Greek Ghost stories & mythology, Halloween, Haunted caves, haunted hospital, Haunted objects, Haunted Place, Health and Remedy, HINTS AND TIPS, HISTORY, HORROR, Horror Movies- scary videos and paranormal fils, Hot Line, Humanity, JAPAN GHOST STORIES, Latin America Ghost stories, Paranormal, paranormal 911, PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY, Psychology, PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUES, Questions FROM OUR READERS & my ANSWERS, Quran, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, Spirits, Spirituality, supernatural, True Ghost Stories, U.F.O and unexplained mysteries, UK GHOST STORIES, USA GHOST STORIES

Dermatographia- not paranormal

My email to the client Abbey Derkatz, from north Alberta- Canada. October 2019. After she noticed a scratch in her

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Fire bending power of God

 FIRE BENDING God himself using it, allowed the angles to use it to move and use the AIR BENDING, FIRE

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