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DISEASE AND SYNDROMES, garend and flowers, Natural medicine, home remedy ,herbs, diet

Vital Reds Review – 14 Things You Need to Know

Vital Reds Review – 14 Things You Need to Know
By Summer Banks FNS, SPT, Danielle Omar, RDN, MS
(expert review)
 Fact Checked | Overview | Claims | Ingredients | Effectiveness | Side Effects | Bottom Line | Vital Reds Alternatives | Q&A

Vital Reds is a concentrated drink powder that promises “higher energy levels, better digestion, and healthier-looking skin.” Vital Reds has a formula that is largely proprietary, which means exact amounts are unknown. Plus, with over fifty ingredients in this powdered supplement, are you getting that much of anything in it with the recommended one scoop per day?

Our research team went straight into the ingredients and tried to find evidence to support their claims. We then researched the side effects – this supplement claims to have none- and we needed to make sure. Finally, we got into the scientific research behind this product. Does it actually work? You’re going to want to read what we found.

BIRDS, Environment, garend and flowers, HINTS AND TIPS, Pets & Wild Life

 Wildlife Need Your Help

 Wildlife Need Your Help; You can donate to your wildlife in Alberta ,or at your city and province to help all kind of animal, birds, land and sea creatures . Try to make bird houses study about birds and how to help them in winter time , what to do etc. I help more than 300 common sparrows, dozen of blue jays , wood pickers , robins and more than 25 different bird species a day. I also help to keep the bees safe until next spring it is fun ,kind to do and you feel great.   

CULTURE AND SOCIETY, Environment, garend and flowers

Why living with and tending plants is good for you

“Emotionally, they are helpful to mental wellbeing. And plants can also be a way to reflect on your cultural origins or remember holidays.” She cites the recent book The Well Gardened Mind by Sue Stuart-Smith. “The author quotes a study that found that being in the presence of indoor plants – or looking at scenes of nature – prompted people to make decisions that showed higher levels of generosity and trust, and had a sociability effect. She describes one woman who started looking after some cacti and found the process very healing and therapeutic, and she writes that ‘plants are like people, they need your help. Without you they don’t live’.”

garend and flowers

Why is There No Fruit on My Tree?

How many times have you or someone you know planted a fruit tree in anticipation of harvesting fresh, juicy tree-ripe fruit in your own backyard? Probably more times than you care to count. Home fruit production can be both rewarding and troublesome. One of the most common questions is why trees fail to bear fruit or only have fruit every other year. This information was prepared to answer this question and to give you possible solutions to the problem.

Causes and Solutions
Excessive Tree Vigor

Undoubtedly in the backyard situation the number one reason for failure of trees to bear fruit is improper tree vigor. Over vigorous trees expend all their energy in growing wood and do not produce flower buds. Typically, this occurs for two reasons: over-fertilization and over-pruning. Heavy applications of nitrogen will stimulate excessive growth at the expense of flower production.

You say you do not fertilize the trees? But, do you fertilize the lawn surrounding the trees? Fruit trees do not know that you are applying nitrogen only for the grass. Rain can move the nitrogen down past the grass roots where the trees can take it up.

garend and flowers, Health and Remedy, Medication, Memory ,MidLife Crisis ,Mindfulness Monogamy Morality Motivation Neuroticism Optimism

The Aspirin Tree -the willow tree -sand bar willow tree

Willow Tree has an anti-inflammatory property 
Sand Bar willow tree. I have one in my back yard 13 feet tall. I use the leaves and the barks for herbal medication as a pain killer, joint pain, bath, with olive oil as an ointment and many more but please you have to study before you use this tree ,it can be harmful especially for those who are on blood thinner, I am trained and graduate natural herbs natural medicine so I know what to do and what not to do .The leaves of the tree and the bark are full with vitamins and mineral .It can be used for arthritis , skin burn, joint pain and more.

On the bands of the river, I am cloaked in a thicket of willow. Its protective branches reach out over the water, providing shade and shelter to birds, mammals and fish. Deer have grazed on the delicate spring growth. The sound of bees and other insects feasting on willow pollen and nectar hums over the trickling sound of water. I remember that not long ago these banks were ravaged by flood, and marvel that willow has transformed muddy chaos into vigorous growth and order.

Name: Salix species. Salix is derived from the Celtic “sal” for near, and “lis” for water. It could also be derived from the Latin “salio” meaning spring out, in reference to rapid growth.

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