About the Investigator

Steve Ramsey PhD in Public Health

“Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Credential: Ph.D.  Public Health – USA, MSc Medical Ultrasound- Australia, BSc Diagnostic Imaging- Australia,P.G. Diploma in Natural Health/ homeopathy – Canada. Diploma in Radiography, Diploma Ultrasound from Canada and background in radiology in Baghdadand later graduated  from Greece medical school then moved to Canada before finishing my residency.

ARDMS, RMSK,CARDUP, CRGS,CRVS,APS,CAMART and ACDTT, General Sonographer in Alberta and a Peer reviewer for the United Kingdom Radiographer Journal. MSK ultrasound traveller and a teacher. Knowledge in pharmacy, radiology, ultra and infrasound.  Certified Demonologist; Old testament, new testament, Quran, Book of Enoch and Jubilee; study of the angel, Djinn, and demons, and the fallen angel’s history and theological study.

I am an empath that can sense the presence of spirits, I sensed and felt many good and bad spirits since I was 5 years old,  in Baghdad city and many other countries. I have started his paranormal research back in 1986 and had seen many ghosts apparition and paranormal activities since I was 5 years old. I can help those who have any haunting houses issues. If you cannot find anybody that can cleanse the place, I can do it for you or them with 100% success rate. 

I engage in private investigations with expertise, objectiveness, discretion, open-mindedness and the latest scientific equipment aimed at studying and measuring all forms of paranormal activity. Spectral Solutions is always seeking to increase our knowledge in regards to the paranormal as well as learning how to deal with each case in different place and culture. Our methods aimed at debunking and/or accounting for outside interference which may hinder attempts to gain the truth for you, our clients, you might have a personal experience that you could not take a picture or a record.

I also delight in sharing our passion through public hunts and seminars as a way of offering the community the means to get involved and become educated, not only in regard to the paranormal but also in the rich history of our area. Given that they must clear any other issues such as psychological illness, stress, depression, anger issues that might project the negative energy in the house or transferred it to others or to other houses. I used an ancient Arabian and Hebrew (Kabbalah) methods with prayers from three holy books and other talismans and chanting to force any entity out of the house.  It might take 8 to 12 hours including personal reading, tapes and computer chanting covering each room and every corner of the house. If you know someone or any family who have an issue with this regards please let them contact me at Steve Paranormal Investigator . In my observation, all other holy water methods, priests,  etc,  the method might work for a few nights up to 90 days maximum but it is only temporary solutions beside the  SAGE SMUDGING CLEANSING, my method will bring the balance and harmony to the house and the family who are suffering. To read more please read the paranormal investigation on this blog.

We are open-minded to the existence of ghosts but do not assume that the activity in question is a ghost or paranormal. We base our results on highly scrutinized  Photographs, Video and Audio evidence collected at a location. We take pride in our diverse abilities and methods to collect and review all data in order to provide you with answers and options. We also understand that it could be a personal experience  that only you can feel and experience and it is true for you. 

Complete Paranormal Services is an Alberta-based team of serious-minded individuals who are focused on research, investigation, and the documentation of purported paranormal phenomena.  PZHD was formed to assist those who believe that they are experiencing paranormal phenomena, and at the same time provide you with an honest service, FREE of charge.

Our Core Team members have decades of experience in this field and uses a variety of audio and video equipment but due to the amount of information that is not currently known or proven about the paranormal, we believe it is essential to visually monitor as much as possible in order to obtain data which may assist in providing answers. Our purpose is to dispel myths and stories and to separate fact from fiction. PZHD does not discredit the use of psychics, but prefer the use of high-tech audio and video equipment along with time-tested low-tech techniques to document and substantiate our evidence.

We DO NOT employ the use of Ouija boards, Seances or any other form of what some consider conjuring or black magic. Our purpose is to provide the most precise technical data to maintain our credibility in the field of paranormal investigation and research.

All evidence collected, including photos, videos, audio recordings of paranormal events are kept in the strictest confidence and we will only release or publish information on cases where permission has been granted by the client.

Any authorized release of our evidence will be made available to the public unaltered and uncensored via our website or in person with advanced notice. We understand exactly what you are going through and we conduct every investigation discretely and professionally. We are always available for investigations, our schedule is very flexible but private residences take priority!!! 

We NEVER charge a fee, We are not out to profit but to serve the community as accurately and intelligently as possible please email me first before you call, when you email me I need to send you my free service information to answer, for a request for a permit to conduct an investigation and to reduce the number of scam emails that I get and to make sure that we are not going to an area that under police investigation to protect my self and my team.

Steve The Paranormal Researcher

Paranormal Services:

We are a group of experienced paranormal investigators who investigate claims of paranormal activity for personal research and for client assistance.  We are a scientific based group whose investigations are based solely on scientific evidence.  Our team consists of open-minded individuals who can approach an investigation with a skeptical, debunking approach religious beliefs (off-hand I know that in Judaism the Mezuzah is particularly effective in protecting a home when using properly).

Many have confirmed that it’s almost impossible for a malevolent spirit to enter a home protected by them, I use these talismans,
prayers reading and writing when I cleanse your home. I use the Hamsa, and many other talismans against the evil eye, evil spirits around your house and the doors of each room. I also read Psalms (91), reading it and write it in a small paper and put it in a clean small container in front of the house. It is a good choice for protection.

While the Ruqeya prayers are the proven old method that was practiced by the descended of Abraham. You must clean your house, and when you do the cleaning make sure to remove the children, dogs and unclean animals such as pet pigs or a dog.
Remove any statue or figures of stone God such as Buddha or other animal figures and put them in a box. Use spray bottle mixed with salt and water and keep playing the Ruqeya prayers with your computer in a different part of the house,  it will take some time, and then repeat the prayer every Thursday morning and Friday 1 hour before the sunset. Sometimes it takes up to 40 days to completely clean the house in these methods.  

Sometimes it takes only one day. You can contact me by E-mail at Steve Paranormal Zone as I have many other technical methods and ritual that I perform. If you have a true paranormal story that you wouldn’t mind sharing with other readers, email it to my email please so I can publish it for you here on my blog. It could be about ghosts and poltergeist such as:

  • out-of-body experiences
  • unexplained phenomena
  • strange creatures
  • bizarre coincidences
  • premonitions and ESP
  • prophetic dreams
  • unexplained sightings
  • past life experiences
  • near death experiences
  • time and dimension slips

or anything strange and unusual. There’s only one main rule: It must be, to the best of your knowledge.


I won’t use your name if you don’t want me to. If you send me a story, be aware that I might publish it on this website; please don’t be offended if your story is not chosen. Remember that in 95% of the time what you are experiencing is consistent with recognized illnesses of the mind that are known to cause symptoms like what you are experiencing. Conditions like schizophrenia, psychosis, paranoia, hysteria, audiophony, bipolar disorders,  and other disorders are not paranormal ability you might hear and see things that others can not verified, see, or hear. These are chemical imbalances in the brain, and there may be treatment available to help you, so please make sure it is true paranormal incidents and not caused by any psychological factors that can be triggered by aggression, stress, anger issue, depression  or other form of personality disorders.Thank you very much and may God bless you.

11 thoughts on “About the Investigator”

  1. Paranormal Investigator & Cleanser. Since 1986.

    In here we can discuss science, paranormal, true ghost stories, culture, superstition, pets behavior, ultrasound and infra sound research, haunted houses, creations, and evolution with open mind and in-depth research.

    Please feel free to contact me. I can help you to get rid of the these entities for sure. Please make sure to counsel with your Physician or Clinical Psychologist to rule our any psychological illness, stress, depression, and anger issues. Your priest might help you for short term, anywhere 40 days to 90 days. Other paranormal investigating team will only provide you with evidences if the entities exists in your house or not but they cannot get rid of it. So Please make sure to contact me when you feel you exhaust all your options. I can help you to get rid of the entities 100%.

    You can reach me at drsteveramsey@gmail.com .

    My new blog will be coming soon; http://www.moleopedia.com , Paranormal zone and haunted Dimension . you can check it in google.com

    I will not do any demonic possession of a person , this have to be dealt with by a psychiatrists and your prayer groups as this might lead to physical harm, injury and even death to you and those who around you. I will Take a history of your house and collect data. I will go through the regular debunking methods to make sure your house is not creating the noises due to mechanical or electrical defects . With my back round in physics, radiography, sonography, pharmacy, biology and chemistry and public health degrees I can bring a balance between science and spirituality at your disposal. I will Check the facts, and validate the story. Interview each occupant of the place with permission and consent. Make sure that no human remain in your house such as Ashes of human or pets.

    I will ask for permission to do the investigation from the owners of the place and the tenants. I will check with the local police to make sure they know what re we doing and why for my safety and security issues. I will Ask you for the basic medical back round, house history.Check the house surrounding and the high voltage, EMF areas around the house. I do all the EMF, Infra sound, EVP, Laser temperature reading and measurements. Infra red temperature reading and infrared camera, voice recording and camera surveillance recording, lasers grid recording.When all data are collected, I will then analyse them , and then I can do the cleansing method that base on holy books, KABBALAH, ARABIC AND ARAMAIC PRAYERS CHANTING. Using the proven AL Gilani method, and Oil and sage anointment , Gilani prayers, and the most powerful ROQEYA PRAYERS in every corner of the house , every room, I might stay alone in the basement or the room where the activity is taken place . Children must be cleared from the house . I might ask some to visit and see a train psychologist for farther check up. Heeling process with varieties of method will be used until the bad energy is gone.

    Remember never try to provoke the entity alone, you need to be authorized, have permission, and consent. Do not challenge the entity. To evict someone you need anywhere between 30 days to 90 days and they might not leave until they are forced. Spirits and negative energy do not care of city bylaw or your reading from a bible , they live in their house before you , and it will take a different tactics and strategy to deal with them , most of the time it starts with you, helping the person how to overcome their anger issues, stress and depression , resolve their main problem at hand, and you have to accept the facts that you are the one who need help , seek help, and work toward a solution step by step. and the rest will be easy.

    You can email me at Drsteveramsey@gmail.com

    To read some of my articles please go to http://www.linkedin.com search on my name Steve Ramsey PhD

  2. Letter from a reader
    Good Afternoon:

    I am writing to you in regards to having my house cleansed of unwanted spirits or entities. I have a very uneasy feeling when I am at home and my daughters and I have experienced things that are not normal. Could you please email me at ( deleted for privacy ) to book an appointment, ASAP.. Thank you


    Jenny Hansen
    I emailed the concerned Mother .

    Good Morning Jenny
    May God bless you and your kids.
    I am sorry to reply late cause I dont check the blog mails as I put my emails so everybody can email me in my personal e mail so I can answer them
    faster. I live and work in Calgary .Where are you located and What is your address ? I need your permission to enter the house and do the

    Will you please email me and send your permission. Tell me more about what are you feeling and your experience
    regarding this entity , why you think it is an entity ? does it harm you and the kids? did the entity affected the
    electronic and lighting . Do you smell strange smell bad or good. Any noise activity , any shadows or cold spots in the house.

    Do you have any depressed feeling? How many of you are in the house, how old is the house.
    Any anger issue and depression or stress among any family members that might cause a poltergeist activity ?

    I need the complete address of the house to research about the area around you, any grave yards, anybody passed away in the house?
    I do the prayers in way that fit your believe system , are you Christian? any specific denomination ? I do the prayers using the
    Torah, new testament and the quran if it is OK with you.

    Is the entity attached to one place, one room one area of the house and which area is that?
    does it attached itself to an object

    What is your phone number so I can call . Please always e mail me at drsteveramsey@gmail.com for faster response time . All the reader can do the same too.
    As soon as I red your e mail early around 5 am I had very bad stomach ache and got so dizzy i had to wash my face and lay down praying . My feeling that what ever in your place do not want me near you house. I kept praying and took me about 30 min to feel better.
    Are you a Mennonites by any chance ? how old are your kids . are you in any danger now.

    E mail me ASAP so I can see set a time to check the place and explain the procedure ,and when I do that I need to make sure that one room of the house will be cleansed and protected first with prayers and other method to seal the room then the kids must stay in that room or somewhere else until I dont the prayers .
    Things might happen if there is a strong entity such as nausea , vomiting fainting ill feeling in the stomach to any members of the family , these feeling will go a way as we progress in prayers . The bad entity are weak spirit and all they can do is to scare us and make us feel sick but with strong faith , and our trust in God all mighty those evil entity will vanish for good . We bring them to our lives and they will stay when we are weak or in doubt , or we are under stress and depression they take hold when we are broken and have anxiety or feeling lonely and lost , They are like wolves they attack the far away lamb of God .

    Be STRONG jenny God is with us all , he has his plan for each of us and no evil can harm until we invite him .
    Pray to God, hold hands with you daughters and pray asking God to shine his light in your hearts and your house and get rid of evil spirits repeat that and praise God name by his power only and ask him to defend you in his power and send st Michael to cleanse your house from the evil sprites.
    Clean your house, open the windows and let the sunshine in. put open holy books , fresh water, fresh herbs in the house, light a candle always close the washroom doors and always say in the name of God I enter my house may God protect me and my family say that before you enter your house and when you leave say In the name of God I exit my house please God protect me , my family and my house for the evil one bless me and bless my house amen.
    Use sage, burn candle or sticks if you have it , I will bring you some . Put fresh water and a mirror on a table with the sage beside it and the holy book . use the table as the prayer center daily . When you feel weak or in fear go to this table light the candle put fresh water in a metal container , read the holy book or do rosary and look in the mirror assure yourself that you’re strong, you believe in yourself and God , and keep praying . Sprinkle holy water around the table or rain water . I will bring you some rain blessed water . Rain water is very strong against the evil spirit .

    Read some of the prayers that i have in my blog and also put the roqeua prayers and play it from the tape recorder or from the computer the roqeya prayers are in my blog i will e mail you one now so you can play it in your house daily for 40 days it doesn’t have to be loud just put the prayers in each room leave the computer in each room and keep moving it . The prayer is about 1 hour move the computer to the basement upstairs and down stairs .
    Let me know please I believe in you , I dont judge you and I AM HERE TO HELP , BECAUSE I SAW THE GOOD AND BAD entities and I felt their effect in my life and the lives of others Including my mother.

    Thank you very much and remember please e mail me at drsteveramsey@gmail.com for fast answer
    Steve Ramsey . PhD – Calgary.

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