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Spirits, Entities and energy- explanation by Steve Ramsey

Spirits, Entities and energy   Steve Ramsey, PhD The spirit world is all about energy interaction, action, reaction and manifestation

ANGELS, ANGER, FORGIVENESS , love, peace, emotion, mind ,mistakes, fear, ARABIC AND ISLAMIC SCIENCE, ASIAN GHOST STORIES, Attachment Attraction Autism Behavior, Bible Study, CANADA GHOST STORIES, CASE FILE, CHILDHOOD,,DEPRESSION,DEMENTIA and paranormal, Cleansing ghost report , our home visits stories, Demonology, ELEMENTARY SPIRITS, EUROPE GHOST STORIES, EXPERTS REVIEWS OF THE PARANORMAL, FACT FAKE AND FICTION, Faith, falling angels and legions, Halloween, Haunted caves, Haunted objects, Haunted Place, HAUNTED WATER, HORROR, hotel paranormal, JAPAN GHOST STORIES, JINN ,SKINWALKERS, GHOULS ,SHAPE SHIFTERS., kinetic energy ,telepathy and mind control, Latin America Ghost stories, Middle Eastern spirits and legend, Mystery, strange happening , the unexplained, Nightcrawler ,slender man, suburb Jinn, orbs, Paranormal, paranormal 911, PARAPSYCHOLOGY , PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY, Quran, Science and Culture, SPI ULTRASOUND PHYSICS, Spirits, supernatural, True Ghost Stories, UK GHOST STORIES, Ultrasound, Universe

Ghost , spirits and the principle of electricity physics

I call my article ; the ghost physics, or the spirit electricity principles. The physics of the other side. Beside

CANADA GHOST STORIES, CASE FILE, Demonology, ELEMENTARY SPIRITS, Haunted Place, HORROR, Horror Movies- scary videos and paranormal fils, Mystery, strange happening , the unexplained, Paranormal, PARAPSYCHOLOGY , Spirits, supernatural

Demonic house

How I wish I will visit this house and let me see if this demon stand a chance with me , I am sick and tired of demonic presence that cause traumatic injuries to children , I experienced that since I was 5 years old , but thanks God I learn to deal with them and protect myself using many methods but for the majority of the people they are like a mouse running from a cat.

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My answer to a paranormal incident in Quebec – schizophrenia


I seriously need help but I don’t know who to turn to.

Be aware that I only started taking notes on the 4th of September 2020.

On the 27th of July 2020, I had to put down my cat, which I adored with all my heart.  I was still crying so much on the second day of her passing that I decided to look up pet afterlife videos on YouTube.  I fell upon one of Danielle McKinnon’s videos, and that’s when I finally felt relief knowing that my cat was still with me. 

I must say that I never stopped talking to my cat. When I would go out, I would say goodbye. When I came in, I would say hi! When I looked at the places where she often hung around, you guessed it; I talked to her.  On nights that I would watch a movie, I pretended that my cat was resting on me and would pet her back, just like we always did. 

About one week or two after the passing of my cat, I started to feel as if I had energy coming out of my fingertips.  The next day it intensified, and I suddenly witnessed first hand how we are all energy. The day after that, I could feel the energy coming out of everything! For a few days, I didn’t know what was going on and felt very baffled.  

I did not realize then how it was important for me to take notes when such and such event happened, so I might sound a little bit confused. 

One night, while I was watching a movie, I called Lea to come and watch a movie with me. Since her death, I had done this every time I watched a movie. So, I pretended I was petting her and that’s when I started to feel her whiskers, her breath and even her kissing me as she always did when she was alive.

The night after that, I couldn’t wait to watch a movie with my girl. All-day, I felt a small animal, such as a little dog or cat, walking on my feet and trying to jump on my knees. So, thinking it was my baby girl, called Lea, I kept on telling her to jump on me, but she wouldn’t; she stayed with her feet on my feet and her head on my knees, begging me to pick her up. I must tell you that I am in a motorized wheelchair, and so you can understand how it would be easy for an animal to walk and rest on my feet. 

I think it was on that same night that while I was lying in bed, I saw three figures (silhouettes). One; that I could not see very well but figured that it was my cat because I could faintly feel it licking my fingers, as she used to do—another one; going back and forth on my feet and one more that I call the guardian because it did not move. 

So, first, I discovered my cat, and then there were three cats, and then four. Also, I thought that I was going to be able to feel them only at night, but that is not the case. I can feel their mustaches, their little wet nose, and I can feel their breath anytime they are near me and even if there are people around.

Quick update: 5ft Sept. 2020. I am now surrounded by at least five or six pets. I can feel their whiskers… there is even one that seems to be very young because it is chewing on my shoes and pinched the back of my leg yesterday. Also, they are not all cats as I thought; there are also dogs and maybe even other types of animal such as rats.

The 9th of September 2020

Now I need serious help. This situation is not fun anymore.  About 3 nights ago, I counted 9 animals in my bed; that is when my problems began. This will sound absolutely impossible, but I swear to you on my father’s head, who is still alive, that what I am about to tell you is real.

The night that I could see 9 different shadows of pets, I sensed one coming up to my ear at a swift but delicate pace, and it resembled a lot like a Chihuahua that we had, my parents and I some 30 years ago. Now you may think to yourself, “So what? it’s only a Chihuahua, what harm can that do?” I am very embarrassed to tell you that the Chihuahua started licking my private parts.

On that first night of her appearance, I got it to stop, but all the days ever since, she has been continuously licking my vagina and my butthole. I swear to you this is not a joke. It is not fun at all to have this freaking ghost Chihuahua dog licking your private parts from morning ’till night.

I have tried chasing her away with sage. Since I did not want to chase away my own cat, I’ve decided last night only to purify my body, as well as my motorized wheelchair. This afternoon I think I will have no choice but to try to cleanse the whole apartment since it did not work at all.

Update the 12th of September 2020

The sage made things worse; it intensified the Chihuahua’s pace. I tried telling them that they are not welcome anymore, that they must all go. That was last night. Today, I am ignoring them, but I can still feel some of them touching me with their whiskers. As for the little corrupted one, I still feel it but faintly.

Some Paranormal chasers have told me to stop talking to my baby and any of them, to stop giving them attention. They also said I should firmly ask them to go away… but I don’t think they will. One told me to look up what an incubus was and that it should give me an idea of what I am dealing with.

Do you have any suggestions as to what to do meanwhile to protect myself?

I literally did not sleep last night and surely won’t sleep at all tonight either because I am now afraid that they will get angry with me now that I am ignoring them.

It wIll sound stupid, but I put a garlic head under the seat of my motorized wheelchair.

Do you recommend something else?

Have you ever heard of such a situation?

I need some professional help, can you help me

Sincerely  ( K.D_ )  Carol ; City: Rimouski, Region: Quebec, Canada.


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